Published on January 7, 2004 By fivesballs In WinCustomize Talk
I know this has nothing to do with the recent problems that have occured with the site but... someone went through my library and dropped all my ratings within the past couple of hours !!! Why would someone do this to me ? not only have i lost over 3,000 dls/Many comments and some ratings because of the recent problems but now this... I mean it's hard for me to buy a dl/Rating or comment ..I understand thier are no answers but i just don't understand why someone would do this?(Someone make me understand the motive) I try to ignore ratings but 10's are 5's/ 7's are 4's Very discouraging to say the least And i guess i just wanted to say i'm well aware of it and not to happy At All
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on Jan 07, 2004
What would help is if more people rated skins. I know there are a lot of people with the ability too, but go and look and see how many votes most skins have. on my skins I would guess about 1 percent of the people who have downloaded it have rated it. And if more people started voting then you could not count the lowest and highest rating(If there are more than one then just one is exluded) and that would keep the nogood-doers from doing nogooddery
on Jan 07, 2004
actually a good suggestion,kind of like the olympics,throw out the highest and lowest rate.Might be a prob with the coding...dont know how hard that would be.
on Jan 07, 2004
the more ratings a skin receives the less impact the do-nogooder can make
on Jan 07, 2004

[Message Edited]
on Jan 07, 2004
I.R., I think that might not be easy. All ratings would have to be saved in case a higher or lower rating was recieved that was higher or lower than the ones thrown out. I think that if more people rated, that would solve a bogus 1 rating.

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on Jan 07, 2004
I think it's fine the way it's set up, just needs more participation
on Jan 07, 2004
to #13, yes but how do you know it's ratings abuse and not someone giving an honest rating that is lower than it was. Just because someone rates a piece of work bad doesn't mean it's abuse. There are plenty of things in this site deserving of a 1, and thats not directed at you.
on Jan 07, 2004
True WOM,they all need to be saved,maybe just not counted,so future lower or higher rates would take their place in the 'not counted' spots.Like I said,might be a prob to implement ,I dont know anything about coding.hehe,Then again something would have to have at least 3 rates,I still have stuff with the original moderator rating.
on Jan 07, 2004
yes horiz0n but, if a skin has a rating of 8 then something is amiss for somebody to give it a 1 unless that skin has very few ratings (which might mean the ratings have been padded by friends...not pointed at anybody). So again more people need to start rating. Its like voting if you don't vote then somebody you don't like and is not good for the nation will get into office. It doesn't matter your objections to the process, your lack of integrity to actually rate something based on your own opinion, or the fact that you like to stay conservative. Rating is in the best interest of the site. And to set up a high/low cutoff one would only need to save the current rating, the number of ratings, the highest rating, and the lowest. not every single rating
on Jan 07, 2004
Travis you have to save all ratings or 1 person could rate something multiple times,or if only allowed to rate once,that person couldnt re-evaluate a piece after an update or a change of mind.
on Jan 07, 2004
It only takes 1 rating of a 1 to change 7 8's to a 7.hehe,Did that make any sense?
on Jan 07, 2004
right but some things deserve low scores, some things deserve high scores. It shouldn't matter if a 1 can change an 8 to a 7, it's supposed to. People are starting to sound more like they want the ratings to just be put to 6-10 because anytime someone gets anything less than a 6 they feel they have been "wronged."
on Jan 07, 2004

It's fairly easy for an admin to check a specific individual's rating history....and alarm bells tend to ring when you find a large number of works say, rated 7, 8 or 9 as averages, when the individual's ratings are all '1' means the consensus is at odds with the individual and one asks 'why?'.

If a work has 10 ratings, all 'high' except for one....that's odd.

If two works are in that boat....that's suspicious.

If all an artist's works are so...then questions are raised about whether it's taste or vindictiveness on the part of the rater.

As for 'losing' ratings after the crash, one of mine went from 10 to 6 [sniff].....but life goes on...

on Jan 07, 2004
Personal vendetta ratings would be near destroyed if people could see who gave the ratings, but I'd hate to think how many problems would come from making it that way instead.
on Jan 07, 2004
What would help is if more people rated skins. I know there are a lot of people with the ability too

I can rate. But I know not how to fairly rate skins other than the ones I downloaded.
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